Managing persons


Person and persona are 2 important concepts of the xAPI specification. Person refers to an individual which is involved in learning experiences. Persona refers to a given identity of a person. When a person uses multiple learning systems, this is common to have multiple ways to identify this person. This usually leads to multiple agents (i.e. personas) used to designate the same person.

The standard Agents API can help you to get all the agents (i.e. personas) of the same person. However, there is no standard way to define a person. With TRAX LRS, you can explore and define persons.

Exploring persons

From the Data > Persons page, you can enter an agent and see all the agents which are related to the same person.


Defining persons

From the Data > Persons page, you can attach agents to a person or dettach agents from this person.


Persons API

If you want to integrate TRAX LRS with a third-party system in order to declare and manage persons, you can use the Persons API.