Elasticsearch Connector


TRAX LRS provides an Elasticsearch connector which can be used to push the LRS data to an Elasticsearch database. This feature is accessible only from the console.

This connector pushes new data and updates existing data, based on TRAX LRS data models.

{warning} Breaking changes were introduced with Beta 4. The Elasticsearch connector is not compatible with Beta 3. Now, it pushes the entire statement records from the TRAX LRS database (see data models). Before Beta 4, it was pushing only the xAPI JSON data. There are also some changes in the configuration options.


The default settings of the Elasticsearch connector can be changed in the .env file.

Elastic Cloud

If you are using Elastic Cloud, you can set the following default options:

ELASTIC_SEARCH_CLOUD_ID="your cloud id here"
ELASTIC_SEARCH_CLOUD_API_KEY="your cloud API key here"


If you are using a self-hosted Elasticsearch server, you can set the following default options:


Batch Size

The number of records pushed in the same request. Default is 100. Higher values may result in memory issues.



The Elasticsearch indexes where the xAPI data must be stored. Default values are statements, agents, activities, agent_profiles and activity_profiles.



Before using these commands, you must create a store in your LRS.

Pushing data

You can create pushing jobs separately for each store.

php artisan statements:elastic-push
php artisan agents:elastic-push
php artisan activities:elastic-push
php artisan agent-profiles:elastic-push
php artisan activity-profiles:elastic-push

By default, these commands assume that you are using a self-hosted Elasticsearch server. If you want to use Elastic Cloud, you can add the --cloud option in order to be prompted to entrer the Elastic Cloud settings. You can also add the --cloudid option to specify the Elastic Cloud ID.

The following parameters are optional. When not provided in the command line, some of them will be asked.

Option Example of value Description
--hosts ['localhost:9200'] The Elasticsearch server(s)
--username elastic-username The Elasticsearch username
--password 123456 The Elasticsearch password
--index statements The Elasticsearch index
--cloudid xyz The Elastic Cloud ID
--apiid xyz The Elastic Cloud API ID
--apikey xyz The Elastic Cloud API key
--batch 50 The batch size
--owner 1 Internal ID of the LRS store
--cloud Ask the Elastic Cloud settings
--noprompt Don't ask options (take defaults)
--restart Restart from the 1st record

Showing the push status

You can display the status of the last push with:

php artisan statements:elastic-push-status
php artisan agents:elastic-push-status
php artisan activities:elastic-push-status
php artisan agent-profiles:elastic-push-status
php artisan activity-profiles:elastic-push-status

When not provided in the command line, the following option will be asked.

Option Example of value Description
--owner 1 Internal ID of the LRS store


When a push request fails or when the process is interrupted, you can resume it where it stopped. Relaunch the command and it will ask you if you want to resume or restart.

When the --noprompt option is used, it always tries to resume, except when the --restart option is used together.