Data Exploration


TRAX LRS provides usefull features to explore your data. Depending of your LRS configuration, this may include:

  • xAPI data: statements, activities, agents, activity profiles, agent profiles, states
  • Vocabulary: verbs, activity types, statement categories

xAPI Data


You can explore statements from the Data > Statements page, where several filters are available and documented in the software interface. You can visualize the statements thanks to a JSON viewer with syntax colors.


You can explore activities from the Data > Activities page, where several filters are available and documented in the software interface. You can visualize the activities thanks to a JSON viewer with syntax colors. For each activity, you can directly navigate to its related statements and profiles.


You can explore agents from the Data > Agents page, where several filters are available and documented in the software interface. You can visualize the agents thanks to a JSON viewer with syntax colors. For each agent, you can directly navigate to its related statements and profiles.

Note that you can't explore agents with the basic configuration profile. You must choose relational, partial_pseudo or full_pseudo.

Activity Profiles

You can explore activity profiles from the Data > Activity Profiles page, where several filters are available and documented in the software interface. You can visualize profile data thanks to a JSON viewer with syntax colors. Non-JSON data can't be visualized.

Agent Profiles

You can explore agent profiles from the Data > Agent Profiles page, where several filters are available and documented in the software interface. You can visualize profiles data thanks to a JSON viewer with syntax colors. Non-JSON data can't be visualized.


You can explore states from the Data > States page, where several filters are available and documented in the software interface. You can visualize states data thanks to a JSON viewer with syntax colors. Non-JSON data can't be visualized.

xAPI Vocabulary


You can list verbs from the Vocab > Verbs page, where a filter is available and documented in the software interface. For each verb, you can directly navigate to its related statements.

Note that you can't explore verbs with the basic configuration profile. You must choose relational, partial_pseudo or full_pseudo.

Activity types

You can list activity types from the Vocab > Activity Types page, where a filter is available and documented in the software interface. For each activity type, you can directly navigate to its related statements and activities.

Note that you can't explore activity types with the basic configuration profile. You must choose relational, partial_pseudo or full_pseudo. Furthermore, the RECORD_ACTIVITY_TYPES option must be enabled in your .env file:


Statement categories

You can list statement categories from the Vocab > Statement Categories page, where a filter is available and documented in the software interface. For each category, you can directly navigate to its related statements.

Note that you can't explore statement categories with the basic configuration profile. You must choose relational, partial_pseudo or full_pseudo. Furthermore, the RECORD_STATEMENT_CATEGORIES option must be enabled in your .env file: